On May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia Police Department dropped a bomb containing C-4 explosives on the home of the Black liberation group MOVE. The bombing was the result of a long standoff between the police and MOVE, an African-American radical group.
- The bomb was dropped from a state police helicopter on the MOVE headquarters at 6221 Osage Avenue in West Philadelphia
- The bomb caused a fire that reached temperatures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit
- The fire destroyed 61 homes and killed 11 people, including five children
- The bombing was the first time a U.S. city bombed itself
- The city settled wrongful-death lawsuits for $2.5 million on behalf of the children who were killed
- Ramona Africa and the relatives of two victims received $1.5 million in damages from a federal jury
- The families of the victims have fought for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, an activist and journalist who they say was wrongfully convicted of murder
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=police+c4+bomb+move&oq=police+c4+bomb+move&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRiPAtIBCDc1MjZqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8