Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Waycross City Commission Deadlocked On $4.5 Million Budget Increase;

 Waycross City Commission Deadlocked On $4.5 Million Budget Increase; 3-0 Vote Required To Approve '25 budget

By Myra Thrift Williams, Press-Express News Editor

Because of a reporter misunderstanding, the story printed in the Aug. 20 edition of the Waycross Press-Express about the Waycross City Commission contained a huge error.

The story noted that the city had approved the budget that was presented to them by the city manager by a vote of 2-1.  In truth, the vote was 2-1, with Commissioner Diane Hopkins casting the dissenting vote.  But the budget was not approved because in needed to be a 3-0 vote with two seats open.

During the commission meeting on Aug. 20, Hopkins explained why she voted "no" on the proposed budget.  She brought up the issue of some salary increases that seemed to her to be over the top.

"I still have some questions." Hopkins said, "And I need answers."

The board set a date of Sept. 17 for discussions about the budget, Oct 1 for the public hearing, and Oct. 15 for another vote on the budget.

The budget was brought back to the commission on June 18 when it died for lack of a second.

Two seats on the commission have been vacant for several months because of the death of Commissioner Norman Davis and a legal issue concerning the filling of the seat previously held by Commissioner Henry Stirckland.  Alvin Nelson was sworn in as the commissioner but a suit filed against the results brought the seat back up for consideration.

A special election for two seats on the commission will be held on Nov. 5, the same day as the General Election.

The Waycross Press-Express and this reporter apologize to the Mayor and commission for the inaccurate report.

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